Using and essay writing service

Model Answers and How to Use Them

During the course of your studies, examples and previous students' papers will be made available to you to learn from and help guide you in the development of your own research and writing skills.

The professional writing services we provide are designed in a manner fitting with this, with the exception that these are completed uniquely for you, to your needs and requirements.

We have professional writers with high quality degrees in a huge range of academic fields, allowing us to provide expert guidance and a project which will truly allow you to learn and develop your own abilities, in turn ensuring that you are able to get the grades you need from your studies.

The Benefits of Using a Model Answer

A model answer is equivalent to a professional journal article or report created just for you, specifically written to address your topic, task or research question. It is a personal, unique study guide, and your guarantee to academic success.

Whatever subject you are studying, and at whatever level, Academic Sciences will be able to match you with a qualified, professional essay writer, experienced in your own field who can assist by creating a model answer in line with your needs.

A model answer is a revision tool used by students to exemplify how they should address a particular essay, assignment, dissertation or exam question in terms of the content, structure and style expected.

A model answer can help greatly with any type of task and has been proven to be one of the best forms of assistance in achieving the desired grade, as well as strengthening the core understanding of a particular topic.

Our model answer writing service will provide you with a custom model answer or plan written by an expert in the field.

All of our skilled writers must have advanced postgraduate qualifications and fully developed writing skills before they can work for Academic Sciences, and only those who have higher qualifications in your specific subject area will be assigned to write your custom model answer.

We know that quality and reliability are the first things on a potential customers mind, so at Academic Sciences we make sure that every work we produce meets the high standards of excellence you expect, and that we always deliver to you both confidentially and on time!

Is Using an Essay Writing Service Cheating?

If I use one of your services, is it cheating?

No. Academic Sciences provide custom written model answers which are 100% legal. You may come across other websites or media articles however which describe custom essay services as a method which encourages cheating.

If a model answer is used in the correct manner, it is no different than receiving an example of a first class paper from your tutor, or getting extra help from a personal tutor at home. There are hundreds of writing resources available online which provide advice about essay structure, content and referencing. Ordering a model answer is no different to finding a journal article online about your topic, reading an article or chapter in an academic publication, or looking at past essay examples and using this material to create your own.

If I use the service correctly is there anything to worry about?

There are instances in which an individual would be classed as cheating. If you order a model answer from us and then hand that work in as your own, then yes, that is cheating.

The correct way to use our essay service is to order a model answer and then use this as intended - as a resource tool and example alongside other materials such as books, journals, newspaper articles, legal documents, or examples provided by your tutors, in order to write your own essay or dissertation which you can submit. The service is not intended to provide you with a submittable paper or to be used in place of your own work.

So, what is the best way to use your service?

It’s no different than the way you would use a journal article you download from an academic database. We provide a model answer that is full of critical argument, relevant citations and quality references.

Use the material we provide to facilitate your own research, allowing you to produce a superb essay that you have written yourself and of which you can be proud. By using our work as a guideline or model, it can help keep you on track, focusing your research on the material that matters and giving you a head start towards achieving the grade you deserve.

Why provide a plagiarism scan if the work is not to be handed in?

We promise to write all essays from scratch and to include bespoke research to inform all arguments. Our plagiarism scan allows us to show you that the essay we provide is exactly that: individually crafted and custom-written to order.

If we were to take work from another writer, download the material from an essay site or use previous students’ work, this would be flagged by the scanner. After all, you are paying for an essay written specifically for your essay question, and therefore that is exactly what you will receive. Because our work is 100% plagiarism free, we do understand that a small number of individuals will misuse the service. Unfortunately there is little we can do to prevent this whilst still maintaining confidentiality. However, if a student uses this service correctly and responsibly, they will learn by example how to structure and craft superior, first-class essays, assignments and dissertations; something which can only aid their academic progression. If somebody hands one of our model answers in as their own then yes, they are indeed cheating — not least cheating themselves out of a unique opportunity to receive expert tutoring in academic writing from a professional academic (something their own university tutors will not have time to do).

I’ve Seen Other Companies who Allow Students to Hand in the Work.

Unfortunately there are numerous companies operating within the industry which allow you to receive the work they create for you and hand this work in as your own.

We do not fall into the same category as these companies, and neither encourage nor condone academic misconduct. Rather, what we aim to do is provide expert academic tutoring and assistance in a form whereby you can learn, by example, how to write a fantastic essay of your own and with its own merits. If a student chooses to order a custom essay and hand it in as their own, they are acting dishonestly and missing the opportunity to use this to their advantage in the most beneficial way.

Why Do Essay Companies Sometimes get a Bad Rep in the Media?

We feel that the media are quick to judge essay writing services as scammers and academic cheats. However, the reality is that there has been precious little research conducted by the media or academic institutions into how the service is meant to be used and just assumes that all students who need our services are cheating.

Due to the number of companies online who do allow students to hand in work as their own, genuine companies more often than not get tarnished with the same brush. University lecturers and tutors have a great deal of experience in marking and assessing papers and are usually able to detect work by students where the quality has changed dramatically compared to previous assignments. A student who hands in a model answer as their own is taking the risk of being caught out by the university and asked to leave the course. A student who uses the model answer correctly, on the other hand, should have none of these issues. At the end of the day, if a student hands in work created by somebody else, they are failing themselves and it will not benefit them when it comes to those vitally important end-of-year examinations. Academic Sciences neither encourages nor endorses the submission of model answers as a student’s own work.