Academic Sciences Blog

The AS Blog

Welcome to the Academic Sciences Blog where our team of experienced researchers share their insights, experience, guidance, tips and advice on all topics related to education. With a focus on students at university, you can be sure to find the answers you need.

Welcome to the Academic Sciences Blog where our team of experienced researchers share their insights, experience, guidance and advice on all topics related to education. With a focus on students at university, you can be sure to find the answers you need.

BBC News - Overseas students 'cannot leave or stay' in visa delays!

Overseas students in the UK are complaining they are trapped in a legal limbo by visa delays which mean they do not have the right either to stay or go back home. Students claim they have waited...

Benefits of custom essay writing services!

You will find that there are a number of services available for writing essays. Whether you are an academic, student or a professional, there come times when you need to write well-researched...

BBC News - Moorhead Primary School blames council for academy delay

A Derby primary school has accused the city council of getting in the way of its plan to become an academy.Moorhead Primary School says its scheduled switch on 1 September is under threat because...

BBC News - End of empire for Western universities?

By the end of this decade, four out of every 10 of the world's young graduates are going to come from just two countries - China and India. The projection from the Organisation for Economic...

BBC News - Labour defends university expansion as good for economy

Labour has defended the rise in the number of university places that happened while it was in power. Shadow higher education minister Shabana Mahmood said more graduates would help Britain compete...

Computer Science Enjoying Popularity Boost in Colleges | Education News

For years, the media has conveyed a constant lamentation over the paucity of U.S.-produced STEM college graduates — but the truth is that many colleges are having problems satisfying the high...

BBC News - UK university joins US online partnership

Edinburgh University is to be the first UK institution to join an influential US-based online university project.Edinburgh is part of a major expansion in the Coursera project - which is going to...

Mathematics Education: Being Outwitted by Stupidity | Education News

Mathematics Education: Being Outwitted by Stupidity | Education News.   Recent times have seen an increase in the number of students with learning difficulties, many showing difficulties within...

The most beneficial essay writing tips!

If you are to write an essay for academic purposes, no matter what the level or subject, time is of the essence and hence, you need to budget your time for a great, complete essay. Expertise and...

50,000 fewer students apply for university as tuition fees soar to £9,000 - Telegraph

50,000 fewer students apply for university as tuition fees soar to £9,000 - Telegraph. The Telegraph has reported that up to 50,000 students will forego their opportunity to a higher education due...

How to write an essay?

  Many students are faced with the mammoth task of creating essay after essay, but many people are still unsure of how to write an essay, where to start and even how to finish. How to write an...

I need somebody to write my essay! Academic Sciences is here to help with a brand new website!!!!

Hello! :-P Thanks to all of you who have been bearing with us over the previous weeks whilst our new website was under construction! It is still having a few little tweaks here and there so we hope...