Frequently Asked Questions | Academic Sciences


Common Questions

Find some common questions and answers below.

Alternatively feel free to email or call us at 0203 011 2240

What are your business hours?

Whilst we can be contacted at any time 24hrs a day, our office hours are as follows;

Mon-Fri - 9am-9pm

Sat - 10am-4pm

Sun - Closed

How will I receive my completed project?

Once an order is placed and paid for you will be sent a link to your own project portal. From here you can check on the status of your order, upload additional files and communicate with the team and your writer.

Once your order is complete you will be notified via email that your project is finished and available for you to download.

Where is your main office?

Our offices are located at:

Turner House

9-10 Mill Lane



GU34 2QG

United Kingdom

What Guarantees do you offer?

We offer a comprehensive set of guarantees applicable to all orders. You can review these in full here.

How do I place an order?

Orders can be placed via the website order form.

If you would like to discuss your requirements prior to placing an order you can do so via email, phone or the website chatbar. For more information follow this link.

Where are your writers from?

Our writers come from all over the world. We do not discriminate on nationality but in order to obtain a writing position with us each and every writer must have come up through the UK higher education system and have qualified with a minimum of a postgraduate qualification in the field they write in.

Every order is fully checked for spelling and grammar in order to uphold the standards we expect and promise our customers.

Can I get a refund?

Refunds are available in certain situations.

Our full refund policy can be found in our Guarantees section here.

Are there any discounts available?

From time to time we offer limited promotional discounts to customers.

As standard we also have discounts available of 5% for all orders over 5000 words, 10% for orders over 10000 words as well as additional discounts for extended delivery times.

Regrettably, unless we are running a promotional discount we cannot offer a reduced rate for first time orders however we do offer a complimentary discount for all returning customers.