How to Write an Accounting Essay | Academic Sciences

How to Write an Accounting Essay

How to Write an Accounting Essay  

Accounting is one of the most important business processes, dealing with the information flow between a certain business entities and managers or shareholders.

The complexity of the accounting process is dependant on the type and size of the business it is performed upon. If you want to learn how to write an accounting essay, you must first get accustomed to the specific field of business your instructor has asked for. Economics, being such a vast and complex discipline, does not permit a single-sided approach, therefore the student has to first study his area of interest.

Organise Your Time!

The first logical step in learning how to write an accounting essay is how to manage your time: the mistake students make by leaving all the work for the final days before the deadline only leads to stress and poorly written papers. If you desire a high mark, make a schedule that will allow you to perform every stage of writing your essay accordingly. Therefore, you should be aware of your writing and research capabilities, in order to avoid missing the deadline.

The Research Stage

Luckily, the Internet offers a vast selection of books and papers on economics, both free and for a cost, through websites such as Google Books or Google Scholar, both of which are rich in sources about accounting. Other on-line sources also offer good materials for writing an essay on accountancy, so search thoroughly in every source you find. Nevertheless, the Internet is far from being the encyclopaedic marvel encompassing all human knowledge, as people twenty years ago imagined it would be. Therefore, the old-school approach to research remains the most trustworthy: the local library. Typically, a student who knows how to write an accounting essay would need no more than two or three days to gather enough material for a well-written paper. Nevertheless, consider adding one or two extra days in your schedule when searching for materials: as stated above, an accounting essay requires both knowledge about accounting and the business sector you apply the theory to.

Once you have gathered a sufficient number of sources, arrange them in such a way as to optimise the writing process. You would want to avoid losing yourself in your materials, especially when having a tight deadline to meet. Highlight the most important passages and formulas, in order to keep track of them easily. Knowing how to write an accounting essay implies having a keen eye for details. After arranging your materials, you may proceed with the writing stage.

The Writing Stage

An accounting essay does not differ much from other types of essay: being about a field of economics, the general rule is to employ an objective style and an eloquent language. Keep your text free of figures of speech and other unnecessary ornaments. In short, be efficient and straight to the point. Another important aspect to consider is the use of Financial Reporting Standards (FRSs), as well as the current concepts required by the International Accounting Standards.

  • The Outline and Introduction. An outline contains a brief presentation of the paper's main points. Not only will an outline catch the reader's attention, but it will also help you maintain a steady information flow when writing the body of your paper. The introduction provides a starting point for your essay; in it, you will expand on your main idea, and draw the attention upon the importance of your subject.
  • The Body of the Essay. Good analytical skills are crucial for someone who knows how to write an accounting essay. These skills are used for making sense of the bibliographic materials, and drawing a competent conclusion from them. In the body of the essay, you will present facts and proofs for your thesis using the information found within your bibliography; examples and case studies are especially important in this regard, helping you gain credibility. Reference your sources in accordance with the referencing style your instructor demands, otherwise use a standard style such as Harvard or MLA.
  • The Conclusion. After presenting all the accounting-related facts and arguments, a well-written conclusion can be decisive for receiving a high-mark. In order to know how to write an accounting essay, the student needs to process the data into an adequate conclusion, thus justifying his research. Your conclusion should emphasise on the importance of your study's results. However, an accounting essay is more often an evaluation rather than a study with a conclusion; keep this in mind when learning how to write an accounting essay.
  • The Source List and Appendix. At the end of your paper should be the source list, where you mention in detail every book or webpage you have used for your study. Therefore, pay attention to the requirements of the referencing style you have opted for. The appendix is a section in which the reader finds formulas, charts, figures and graphs that have been used throughout the study; you can either use an appendix, or include these elements within the body of your essay.

The Revision Stage

The final stage you have to work upon is the revision. The use of a spell check needs to be accompanied by a re-reading of the whole text, in order to optimise the grammar and language use. A good idea is to ask a close friend to read it aloud, and ask for his advice regarding how to improve the paper. When learning how to write an accounting essay, it is important to know what language to use; a writing style appropriate for business is necessary for writing your paper, and make sure you properly understand and use the accountancy terminology.

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