How to Find a Good Dissertation Topic | Academic Sciences

Finding the Perfect Dissertation Topic

Most students who have written a dissertation have experienced challenges during the process of choosing a topic for their paper. Undergraduates are often either overly confident regarding their decisions, or quite overwhelmed by the prospect of writing such a lengthy paper. The truth is that there are many factors to consider when learning how to find a good dissertation topic – this article aims to provide students with several guidelines that will assist them towards finding suitable titles for their academic theses.

Hints for Deciding Upon a Dissertation Title

If you have no idea about what dissertation subject to choose, there are several approaches that might help you with this difficult decision. An initial step would be to browse among the materials received and studied during your university years. When learning how to find a good dissertation topic, focus yourself on an area you find most interesting, and search until you find a relevant question that needs answering. Afterwards, try to narrow your subject area so that a specific topic will arise. Write down whatever questions you come across and look for any recurrent issue that might be transformed into a good dissertation subject.

Afterwards, find a suitable tutor who can help you decide upon the final form of your title. Search for someone who focuses his or her studies on that specific subject matter, so that you will benefit from the most helpful advice and guidance throughout the writing process. A tutor will grant you access to a wide range of materials and bibliographical sources that will help you learn how to find a good dissertation topic.

Some tutors might be more available than others – look for someone who is knowledgeable, approachable and has a solid grasp of your subject material, so that a stable and reliable working relationship could be established. Furthermore, maintain constant contact with your advisor, even before taking a final decision regarding the title of the paper.

The Relevance of the Topic

Before deciding on a topic, think about how relevant or suitable it will be to your particular field of study. Straying too far away from the main areas of interest you have specialised in will result in a poorer impression in the eyes of the evaluation committee.

Therefore, a good dissertation topic will need to be:


Many students who do not know how to find a good dissertation topic fall into the trap of neglecting their own interest towards the subject, and make their decisions in order to impress their tutors. However, if you do not find any satisfaction in writing your paper, the writing process becomes considerably harder. Additionally, your disinterest will be evident to the reader after reading only the first few pages of your paper – it does not take much imagination to consider how the evaluation committee will mark your paper if the student's lack of interest is seen throughout the text.


There is no point in selecting an interesting subject matter for your paper if that subject is above your academic abilities – a student who knows how to find a good dissertation topic will find one that represents a comfortable balance between relevance, manageability and interest. Make sure you will have the right resources and time to get the job done!


A complex question that needs more than one type of answer is bound to impress the committee more than a simple descriptive thesis. Once again, knowing how to find a good dissertation topic implies that the student is aware of his or her own abilities. The more challenging the subject is, the better the chances are of receiving a top mark; nevertheless, a difficult subject that is poorly treated will most probably be regarded in a worse manner than a simpler one that has been properly covered.

Of current relevance

As in every academic endeavour, it is important to be up-to-date with all the current developments in your field. Therefore, avoid any topic that might be outdated - this way, you will be safe from eventual embarrassment such as discovering that someone else had already written a similar study before you.


Being unique in your approach is a good way to receive extra marks; some students believe that they are expected to create a completely new topic for their paper. However, this is not the case; instead, new perspectives on older topics are encouraged. Nevertheless, remember to discuss the originality of your work with your supervisor or tutor.

Research Methods

Another important factor to take into consideration when learning how to find a good dissertation topic is the research method. Generally, there are two kinds of research: primary and secondary. When performing the former, you need to gather the data yourself and process it into relevant conclusions; this can be achieved by designing questionnaires, interviewing people and performing other activities in the field or in a laboratory. The secondary research, however, is closer to the tastes of most students, as it implies the processing of available materials like reports, publications, articles and books. Magazines, or websites such as Google Books, Springer Link, or Google Scholar, as well as various online journals and databases, contain quality information that might help you select the proper content for you dissertation.

Finding a good dissertation topic means being aware of the preferences your institution has towards one research method or another. Therefore, you should eventually discuss this aspect with your tutor. If you find out that primary research methods are more highly regarded by your university, make sure that you utilise an appropriate level of resources to perform the required procedures.


Learning how to find a good dissertation topic does pose certain challenges; due to the many factors that need to be considered, the student is required to be aware of his preferences and abilities regarding academic endeavours. Feedback is therefore of the highest importance, hence the necessity of having a good tutor. Whatever ideas the student might have concerning an eventual topic, the tutor's experience will guide them towards choosing one that will reflect his interest and determination in the best possible manner. For more help in writing any type of essay, you may use Academic Sciences dissertation writing services, which write custom dissertations at reasonable prices.

If you are looking for a dissertation, Academic Sciences have a host of available dissertation titles. These titles are available to order. They have not been written as of yet, but are topics that our expert writers have suggested would be great dissertations and are ready to create the perfect thesis for you. 

Need Help?

Are you struggling with the perfect dissertation topic? Academic Sciences is able to provide custom essays and model answers which can help you find the perfect dissertation topic and get the grade you want. We have a variety of solutions available to you to suit your academic level, time frame and budget. Have a look through our academic guides and if you are still struggling, consider giving us a call or placing an order for an essay online.