How to Write a Human Resources Essay - Academic Sciences

How to Write a Human Resources Essay

The management of human resources plays a key part in today's business environment. Attracting, selecting and assessing the human resources available for a certain area of interest are some of the main aspects companies spend time and money in. A human resources essay is written in a similar manner to that of other essay types, but with a few key distinctions that we will discuss in this article. In order to learn how to write a human resources essay, you need to choose relevant materials and write in an objective viewpoint. Begin with the research stage:

The research stage

If you want to learn how to write a human resources essay, there are two things you must take into consideration: the human resources (HR) subject itself, and the certain field you are going to write about.

For example, your essay might concern the management human resources in a particular industry; in this case, you would need to have a certain level of understanding regarding that specific section of industry, if you are to apply the human resources theory to it. Therefore, the research stage implies not only a keen documentation on HR but also some guidelines about the area in which you analyse its management.

Learning how to write a human resources essay is more or less similar to writing other essay types: gather materials from the most trustworthy sources, be they on the internet, personal books or at your local library. Once again, do not be tricked into believing that general information websites can cater with good material. Wikipedia and other such web locations can offer just several basic guidelines about the subject; but for a high mark, avoid citing these websites.

Another sensible piece of advice is time management. Once you receive your task, make yourself a schedule for all the development stages. Knowing how to write a human resources essay requires good organisational skills on your behalf: for example, assign one or two days for gathering your materials at the library or bookstore, another two days for writing the paper, and one final day for revising it. Naturally, if your paper needs to be lengthy, you need organise your schedule so that you will meet the deadline.

Once you are satisfied with the gathered materials, you may proceed with writing the essay.

The writing stage

Your human resources essay needs to be written in a clear and objective style, so refrain from using elaborate sentences and unnecessary figures of speech. Figures, numbers and surveys have to be included in your text in order to back up your facts.

  • Once you state your thesis, begin by writing an abstract in which you briefly describe your approach to the HR-related subject, how you are going to argue for or against it, and what conclusion you are aiming to reach. A student who knows how to write a human resources essay will know how to draw the reader's attention to his arguments with a well-organised abstract. You might also add a title page, according to the formatting style you use. The title page contains the title of your paper, your full name, the name of your instructor and the submission date.
  • The introduction needs to be brief. Present the facts you are going to discuss, without getting into the details too much. You might offer general information about each author's approach to the discussed subject, as well as other relevant data. The key to a good introduction is catching and maintaining the reader's attention, therefore be clear, concise and explicit, and avoid losing yourself in unnecessary and tedious details.
  • The main body of the paper is where you develop your argument and expand on the main ideas written in your abstract. Someone who knows how to write a human resources essay will aim for a professional approach; use a standardised formatting style such as the MLA, APA, Harvard, or any other style requested by your instructor. There should be four main points in the main body:

- The first point should contain an interpretation of the primary literature sources you have used, with quotes, relevant data and formulas.

- The second point should discuss what methodological problems occur when applying the theoretical concepts, or any other problematical issues.

- A third point should analyse the current state of research in the field, together with possible solutions.

- The fourth is optional, as it normally contains your own viewpoint on the matter; depending on how rigid the field you are studying the application of HR theory and concepts in, you may choose to either perform or skip this step.

  • The conclusion should state once again the problems and solutions that you have arrived at during your research. Learning how to write a human resources essay requires you to be keen on making a good summary of the interpretations and observations described in the main body of the paper. Furthermore, answer whatever questions have been left unanswered.
  • The reference page and appendices are added at the end of the paper. If you know how to write a human resources essay, then you realise the importance of referencing. The reference page contains detailed information about the sources you have cited, in accordance with the referencing style you have chosen. The appendix section should list every survey, graph, map, statistics or charts that do not appear in the body of the essay.

The revision stage

Knowing how to write a human resources essay implies having a good attention to details. The revision stage is thus very important, because it will dictate the final form of your paper. A spell check is the first step of the revision. Revising the language by yourself might not be as efficient as having someone else reading it and showing you where you could improve it. The best option would be to assign this task to a professional: the editing and proofreading section at Academic Sciences can be used to optimise your essay.

Nevertheless, if you realise you do not have enough time or resources to write the essay yourself, the Academic Sciences essay writing section is at your disposal. Here you can order a custom essay or even a dissertation, and our writers will make sure you receive a professional paper in accordance with your indications.

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