How to Write an Information Technology Essay - Academic Sciences.

How to Write an Information Technology Essay

Information Technology (IT) has revolutionised man's existence by bringing momentous improvements in the modern way of living. This was possible due to the innovations in information gathering techniques - a system known as “Information Superhighway'. The more important stages in IT revolution were the evolution of computer and the Internet. A first step in learning how to write an information technology essay is to acknowledge the way in which this field of engineering has shaped our lives during the last decades.

The Research Stage

When it comes to choosing a topic for the paper, a student who knows how to write an information technology essay should think about the type of essay he expects to produce. If it is an overview then you can begin the research stage, but if the thesis is a specific analysis you should choose a narrower subtopic. For example, “The history of the Internet” is a general topic suitable if you want to write an overview, but for an analysis you should narrow it to a subtopic like “The benefits of internet in education” or “The history of Internet during the last five years”.

An information technology essay doesn't have to be entirely technical or theoretical; you can devote the paper to present your opinion about a product or technology such as a Smartphone or Android operating system, referencing existing published materials and research papers in order to give more credibility to your essay.

No matter what you choose to present in your essay, you should base your work on credible sources. Both public and online libraries can offer plenty of reliable and valuable sources of information. Trustworthy websites you can use are Google Books, SpringerLink, or Google Scholar. If you know how to write an information technology essay you might also take information from specialised websites and online journals such as the Journal of Computer Information Systems, from which you may gather pertinent and up-to-date sources. Record details about the sources you have used so you can reference them at the end of the essay.

The Writing Stage

When it comes to structure, learning how to write an information technology essay is similar to learning how to write any other essay: the paper has an introduction, a body and a conclusion. You should also establish your paper type if it is going to be argumentative or persuasive-cause and effect, because each format needs a different approach and different perspective. Draw up a plan to guide you in establishing a statement and expand on the main points as you proceed with the writing. Pay attention to technical language and acronyms: you must spell the entire name the first time you are going to use them: www stands for World Wide Web, PC for Personal Computer and DVD for Digital Versatile Disc etc. You may also include personal opinions and experiences or information from interviews and surveys when you are writing about how an IT technology or service has impacted man's daily existence; personal opinions may also be shared when analysing a new product release, but it is unlikely to include such opinions if you are discussing technical aspects exclusively.


The introduction is a short paragraph that opens the essay. A credible introduction is likely to attract the audience's attention. You can use a few sentences regarding your topic and becoming gradually more specific, leading your reader gently to the finer points of your thesis. Knowing how to write an information technology essay implies a certain degree of persuasion skills, especially when the student aims for a high mark.


The main body develops the essay's main topic, bringing evidence to sustain the author's opinions through facts from theoretical literature or current media publication. Anyone who knows how to write an information technology essay must be aware of all the innovations in the IT field and bring to his support the most recent information possible. Each main idea you have written in your plan will become a different section in the essay's body. You paragraphs should be devised in a way that portrays the information in an intelligible manner. Write down the main idea of the paragraph in sentences like ” The computer is the most significant invention of the past century”, then develop the idea by pointing the improvements and advantages brought by computer in personal, commercial, educational or military fields; afterwards, you may write down the supporting points by quoting different authors or other concrete examples.


A student who knows how to write an information technology essay will pay much attention to the final paragraph; a well-written conclusion will certainly increase the chances to get a higher mark. The main purpose of the conclusion is to bring closure to the reader. It restates the issue and the point you have made in the main body by summarising the essential themes of your thesis. Do not raise any open-ended questions and do not introduce any new information. You can also add suggestions for a possible future work.

References and Bibliography

When learning how to write an information technology essay, the reference page requires a high degree of attention; this page will contain all the cited works and sources you have based your paper upon, listed in accordance with the requested formatting style. If you instructor did not specify any format style, you may use one of the standard academic writing format styles: Harvard, APA or MLA .

The Revision Stage

If you know how to write an information technology essay, you acknowledge the importance of the revision stage. Once you have completed your work you need to have your essay revised in order to correct any grammar, spelling or logic flow errors. To achieve this, you can re-read the paper by yourself, ask fellow mates to do it for you, or you might have the text revised by a professional, at the Academic Science editing and proofreading section. Moreover, if you feel that you do not have enough time or resources to write your essay or simply you want to enhance your chances to get a higher mark, the Academic Sciences essay writing section is at your disposal.

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