Assignment writing service

Assignment Writing Service

University assignments can encompass a huge range of tasks and skills. This varying range is an opportunity to showcase your assignment writing abilities and gain vital marks towards your qualification. Our Assignment Writing Service will deliver flawless model answers specially tailored to your assignment instructions and deadlines.

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The Benefits of a Custom Assignment

A custom assignment created just for you, specifically written to address your essay topic or research question can be an invaluable research tool to advance your own writing abilities. As your own personal, unique study guide and blueprint, you will begin to understand the topic, current developments and the critical overview of what the task seeks to accomplish.

No matter what subject you are studying, and at whatever level, Academic Sciences will be able to match you with a qualified, professional assignment writer, experienced in your own field who can assist you with your project.

All of our researchers must have advanced postgraduate qualifications from UK universities, and finely honed academic writing skills before they can work for us, and only those who have higher qualifications in your specific subject area will be assigned to write your custom assignment.

We know that quality, reliability and trust are vital, so at Academic Sciences we make sure that every assignment we complete meets the high standards of excellence you expect, and that we always deliver to you both confidentially and on time!

The Different Types of Assignment

There are many different types of assignment set in higher education and each type has its own structure and features. It would be impossible to cover them all in detail here, but some common examples include:

  • research essay
  • literature review
  • annotated bibliography
  • reflective journal
  • critical review or analytical review
  • case study
  • lab/practical or experiment write up
  • project report

It is always important to check with your lecturer or tutor as to what exactly they require you to do. Below we have outlined the purpose, intended audience, tone of writing and structural features of some of the more common assignments you will encountered at university, and therefore the style of writing you are required to produce.

Research essay 

Answer a specific question and present an argument in support of the answer based upon facts discovered in the course of research.

Lab/practical report

Explain what you did and draw conclusions from your findings. This will also clearly lay out your objectives and actions step-by-step so that the process c an be followed by researchers who wish to replicate your study.

Case study (report)

Examine a situation in detail to identify the positives and negatives and make recommendations based upon the findings.

Review of an article

Evaluate or critique the data, research methods and results of a particular article through detailed analysis of the publication.

Literature review

Identify key ideas across up-to-date literature in order to help understand the current thinking and f ind a 'gap' for further research.

Annotated bibliography

Identify key articles on a topic and e valuate the usefulness of articles in relation to said topic through a summary and critique.

Reflective journal

Identify your understanding and reflect on your thinking in order to display and understand how and what you have learned.

Project report

To report on work done or a plan for work to be done, often for the benefit of outside organisation, such as an NGO or government.

Guaranteed Quality With Every Order

We pride ourselves in providing the best writing service in the UK by producing assignments to your exact requirements.

Here's how we achieve the quality you expect:

We only use UK qualified academic writers with specialist knowledge in YOUR subject area

We work from YOUR instructions, taking care to fully review your guidance and work in accordance with this

Every order we complete is fully proofread and reviewed by our in-house specialists for QUALITY and ORIGINALITY

YOUR completed work will provide a range of analysis, be fully signposted and written in clear, understandable language

Completed projects are fully QUALITY ASSURED and checked to ensure that all arguments made are fully supported with relevant, current and credible academic sources.