Literature Review Writing Service | Academic Sciences

Literature Review Writing Service

Our custom literature review writing service will provide you with an expertly researched review of literature specially tailored to your instructions and deadlines. We have professional writers with high quality degrees in a huge range of academic fields, ensuring you will always be matched with the best researcher for your task.

We promise to uniquely tailor each paper to your specified topic in strict accordance with the instructions and format that you specify. We’ll also ensure that your model literature review fulfils all the criteria necessary to meet the grade you order.

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Expertly Researched Literature Reviews

A literature review is accomplished through searching and reviewing the materials and literature needed to complete your project. But, as anyone who has undertaken a literature review could tell you, it is not quite as simple as this may seem. A literature review requires students to research published articles in journals, books, and conference proceedings that relate to the topic the student is investigating. To help guide you and alleviate your struggles, we recommend contacting Academic Sciences to find out how our elite literature review writing service can help you.

Our literature review writing service will resolve many unanswered questions, such as, what should be contained in your review and what function should the literature review assume in your overall project. Typically, for a standard dissertation, a professional review of literature would belong in Chapter 2 unless otherwise specified by your university supervisor. There are also specialist literature review centred dissertations such as systematic type literature reviews. In all circumstances, the purpose of a literature review is to capture major viewpoints, while also demonstrating your ability to evaluate and fuse material according to the pilot concepts of your thesis or research hypothesis.

Academic Sciences understand the stresses involved in high level academic writing; therefore we promise that:

  • Our Academic Writers are all highly qualified, advanced level UK graduates
  • Our literature review writers will deliver professional, well-written literature reviews based on your ideas and proposed hypothesis
  • Academic Sciences offer a full guarantee on all of our services, including literature review writing services


Our professional writing experts can create a high-quality literature review, just for you.

Academic Sciences’ consultants and writers will provide an overview of a literature review as well as advise you of what it all entails. As we assist you with your review, we remain available to support you throughout the dissertation process; from the topic formation to the creation of references and the appendices. Your personal consultant will work with you throughout the process, which will make each step all the easier.

Our qualified dissertation writers will analyse your ideas, introduction, plans, and dissertation proposal to develop a precise, thoroughly researched literature review. Because our writers have been where you are in your academic career, they are fully aware that a comprehensive literature review is a vital piece of any dissertation whether this is a stand alone piece or a chapter of your dissertation. Our literature review writing service demands that we completely evaluate and incorporate the most current and significant material available to effectively support your dissertation topic.

What Type of Literature Review?

There are many different types of literature reviews, each with its own approach, analysis, and purpose. To confuse matters further, these types aren't named consistently. The following are some of the more common types of literature reviews you will encounter.

These are more rigorous, with some level of appraisal:

Systematic Review

The Systematic Review is important to health care and medical trials, and other subjects where methodology and data are important. Through rigorous review and analysis of literature that meets a specific criteria, the systematic review identifies and compares answers to health care related questions. The systematic review may include meta-analysis and meta-synthesis, which leads us to...

Quantitative or Qualitative Meta-analysis Review

The Quantitative or Qualitative Meta-analysis Review can both make up the whole or part of systematic review(s). Both are thorough and comprehensive in condensing and making sense of a large body of research. The quantitative meta-analysis reviews quantitative research, is objective, and includes statistical analysis. The qualitative meta-analysis reviews qualitative research, is subjective (or evaluative, or interpretive), and identifies new themes or concepts.

These don't always include a formal assessment or analysis:

Literature Review or Narrative Review

The Literature Review or Narrative Review often appears as a chapter in a thesis or dissertation. It describes what related research has already been conducted, how it informs the thesis, and how the thesis fits into the research in the field.

Critical Review

The Critical Review is like a literature review, but requires a more detailed examination of the literature, in order to compare and evaluate a number of perspectives.

Scoping Review

The Scoping Review is often used at the beginning of an article, dissertation or research proposal. It is conducted before the research begins, and sets the stage for this research by highlighting gaps in the literature, and explaining the need for the research about to be conducted, which is presented in the remainder of the article.

Conceptual Review

The Conceptual Review groups articles according to concepts, or categories, or themes. It identifies the current 'understanding' of the given research topic, discusses how this understanding was reached, and attempts to determine whether a greater understanding can be suggested. It provides a snapshot of where things are with this particular field of research.

State-of-the-Art Review

The State-of-the-Art Review is conducted periodically, with a focus on the most recent research. It describes what is currently known, understood, or agreed upon regarding the research topic, and highlights where there are still disagreements.

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