
Proofreading Service

Academic Sciences offer you a professional and affordable proofreading, marking, editing and critiquing service to help make sure you turn in the perfect paper, first time.

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  • Are you hoping to achieve a really high mark in your essay or dissertation? Make sure your spelling doesn't lose you precious marks!

  • Want to be the best in your class? Make sure your grammar doesn't let you down!

  • Are you about to hand in a really important essay or your final dissertation? 

  • Do you want to guarantee a 2:1 or even a 1st?

  • Are you looking for an expert to make sure your work is as perfect as it can be?

There are so many students who lose marks for poor presentation, inaccurate proofreading and grammatically incorrect sentences, lack of clarity and technical vocabulary and inadequate referencing. Our professionals, who include former lecturers, can go through your work and suggest changes that will get you the mark that you want. Universities not only look for content that is rich in detail, but work that is perfectly constructed, referenced correctly and most of all - completely error free!

The benefits of proofreading. 

There are a great many benefits to having your work proofread. Here are just a few: 

  • Your assignment will be carefully edited so that it meets the high standards of good academic English.

  • Professional proofreaders will find errors which will not be picked up by automatic spelling and grammar checks.

  • Proofreaders can make sure your work contains the correct academic vocabulary which pertains to your subject matter.

  • Two copies of your work will be returned to you, one of which will be a highlighted ‘track changes' version so you can see exactly what changes have been made; you will then be able to learn from this how to improve your writing when it comes to future assignments.

  • You will receive suggestions which highlight those aspects of your work that could be improved.

  • Skilled academic proofreaders will check the clarity and consistency of your work and make sure it properly addresses and answers the essay question.

We have a choice of 4 services for you to choose from, from simple proofing through to the ultimate in editing and perfecting!


Option 1: Proofreading - Bronze

Although your word processor is likely to have a spelling and grammar check built in, they don't work quite how we would like them to. Our proofreading service makes sure that your work is:

Free from grammatical, spelling and punctuation errors.

Returned with a marking sheet for any particular comments the marker has.

Checked for similarity and returned with a free plagiarism scan.

Option 2: Proofreading and Marking - Silver

Our marking option includes all the benefits of our proofreading service but includes comprehensive marking.

Free from grammatical, spelling and punctuation errors.

Returned with a marking sheet for any particular comments the marker has.

Checked for similarity and returned with a free plagiarism scan.

An estimated grade and comments on why this grade was awarded.

Option 3: Proofreading, Marking and Critiquing - Gold

Our critiquing option includes all the benefits of our proofreading and marking service but includes comprehensive critiquing.

This service is aimed at those who have to make sure it's right, first time. Your work will be critiqued and suggestions made for ways on boosting your grade (if needed), on structure and flow alongside other perfecting improvements.

Free from grammatical, spelling and punctuation errors.

An estimated grade, and comments on why this grade was awarded.

Complete referencing and bibliography check.

Review of flow and structure.

Recommendations for any changes.

Extra material that could be used to improve the quality.

Suggestion on how you can improve your grade.

Returned with a marking sheet for any particular comments the marker has.

Free plagiarism scan.

Option 4: Proofreading, Marking, Critiquing and Editing - Platinum

This is the platinum of all of our proofreading options. The platinum package includes everything in from option 3, but the changes are made for you! This is great if you don't have time to make them yourself or are already exhausted or stressed from editing and re-editing. Your piece of work is returned fully edited.

Free from grammatical, spelling and punctuation errors.

An estimated grade, both before and after the changes and comments on why this grade was awarded.

Complete referencing and bibliography check. Outdated references are replaced with newer citations and any missing are aimed to be located.

Review of flow and structure and changes made to increase the overall composition of the work.

Any changes which are needed are completed for you.

Extra material that could be used to improve the quality is introduced into the piece.

Our expert reviewers and editors aim to improve the grade by at least one boundary.

Returned with a marking sheet for any particular comments the marker has.

Free plagiarism scan.

And most of all, the piece is polished to perfection!

Our price structuring is simple for our Marking, Proofreading and Editing services and is available up to 100,000 words!*

Bronze - £15 for every 1,000 words

Silver - £20 for every 1,000 words

Gold - £25 for every 1,000 words

Platinum - £39 for every 1,000 words

*Minimum order of 1000 words, after which 250 word increments are accepted.