Work for us - Academic Sciences

Work For Us

Are you interested in joining the team?

    • Do you have a degree?*
    • Are you an expert in your field?
    • Do you want to earn money writing about topics for which you are passionate about?

If you think you have what it takes to join us, please complete the form below and we will be in contact very shortly. You may wish to call us direct on 0203 011 2240.

*If you apply for a position as a writer, evidence of your degree status, writing capabilities and I.D. will be asked for. 


Join our team of expert custom essay writers. We offer rates that are competitive and results that are rewarding. We are a UK based and fully qualified online writing consulting agency. We guarantee that we are amongst the most rewarding academic writing programs available to allow your freelance writing to become a full time career. Academic Sciences has a great a great work ethic; work should be fun, simple! If we enjoy what we do, not only are we happier people but we work more efficiently too! Get in touch and let us know what you are interested in, be it writing or admin. We hope to hear from you soon.

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