Reviews and Testimonials | Academic Sciences

Reviews and Testimonials

Read what our customers have to say about their experience with Academic Sciences

We pride ourselves in providing a custom writing service that is not only accurate, but of a standard that makes you smile. Please find the following testimonials as a reference for the quality of the work we provide. The following are genuine Academic Sciences Reviews that we have received*.

*All testimonials are accurate and are taken directly from emails received from clients and therefore includes their spelling mistakes. These emails are kept for future verification if needed to allow us to genuinely show our Academic Sciences reviews to Trading Standards if this is ever requested.

Due to the confidential nature of the services we provide and our assured privacy promise, all reviews are listed using an alias. We ensure complete transparency in the services we provide whilst guaranteeing that both customers and writers can operate in complete anonymity to each other.

Thank you very much.

Harry, UK

I have received the attachment, it's great, honestly ... I just don't know enough words to express myself effectively, as the only thing I know that I couldn't do anything without your continuous support and a very big, fat and massive thank you... thank you soooooooo much for your willingness to help out wherever there is a need, and from the bottom of my heart... its truly, highly and greatly appreciated.

Dean, UK

Thank you so very much, really truly appreciated as always.

Blake, UK

All what you are doing is more and more in each single day proving that you are a decent fact and a professional genuine organisation that deserve all the respect. I have been looking for such institution in the UK for eight years and never ever met or dealt with anyone like Academic Sciences... and am in God's name writing this and mean each single letter in it... So Thank you now and ever....

Mark, UK


Sam, UK

Im very well thanks, I just had a look at the work it looks really good. Thank you!

Mark, UK

Truly I appreciate every bit of your reliable work, thank you.

Mary, Scotland

I am much relieved that I met you, because you are reliable. Thanks.

Victoria, UK

Thanks  for the work, I am writing to tell you that I have received the 3 course works which I requested . I have sent them to my tutors. I must tell you that  I am really impressed with the coursework it was very clear.

Grace, UK

Please give my thanks to the writer, and of course, thank you!

Savannah, UK

I received the documents and was impressed.  Thanks  a lot!

Hayley, UK

Wonderful. Thank you so much.

Katia, UK


Nom, UK

Thank you so much for efforts and professionalism. I am impressed and have enjoyed using your services. I look forward to keep using them in the future. I wish you a wonderful Christmas and a successful, prosperous and mega business new year.

Waquas, UK

Thank you so much for the work, and many thanks for all you've done for me.

Naji, UK

Thank you, you have done a good job. Expect me back next semester. I wish you Merry Christmas and Happy new year in advance.

Olabode, UK

Good morning, Happy new year. Just to let you know the MSc has been passed. Thank you to you and your team for the help.

Ian, UK

Well what can I say…. other than WOW… I can finally see what is expected from an academic piece of work, and reading what the writer has to say in relation to referencing helps tremendously. Can you please pass my THANKS onto your writer and let him/her know that I am “over the moon” with the amount of effort and support they have given me on this piece of work. I have another essay pending (due Feb) and will definitely be sending it your way (soon) in order to gain your help once again. I also have another possible candidate who will be coming to you for help, as like me she is struggling with this particular topic.

Celia, UK

I would recommend any student to academic sciences. I had the ideas for good grades but I struggled with sentence structure and this really let me down! I emailed Louise and she was very friendly and helpful, she assured me they were there to help. Communication was very quick and the feedback and scan were really good! At university they do not allow students to hand in drafts, which is very frightening when a coursework is worth so much! The feedback provided is only going to make you mark increase.

Sally, UK

The professional writers from Academic Sciences provided me the assistance I needed for my Essay writing. With their help, I not only received great tips on my research paper, I also received the desired Essay grade.

Aleasia, Burlington. USA

Now this is what I'm talking about! Thank you very much you are a life saver!! Compared to the other company wow. The work is excellent. I might have some more for you now  I will email you again shortly. Thank you very much once again and please thank the writer.

Adam, UK

I just read all the essays and it was beyond my expectation hehe.Thank you so much for your help!

Mira, UK

The editing and proofread you have done for me was brilliant!

Bruno, UK

I used academic science proofreading service (silver standard) for my Essay.I was very satisfied with the feedback and the corrections.The service is very fast, I can just recommend this site.

Emma, UK

I just wanted to say thank you for all the suggestions and corrections. I rewrote my essay according to what the marker suggested and I got a really good mark. I am so happy and grateful now. I still have another essay to hand in which I will send to you by the end of this week if that's ok!

Auraura, UK

Yes i'm great thanks! Better for this having arrived. I originally intended to request a longer essay but left it at the shorter length, and I am pleased regardless. This is great work with a great choice and amount of references. Thanks again.

Richard, UK

I am very pleased with the work. I'm 100% satisfied and it matches my criteria. To be honest I was very sceptical about using this service, as I used another company 2 years ago to write my coursework and the work was plagiarised in over 60%. I never got my money back. As I said I am very happy and would like to continue working with you.

Mattie, UK

Thank you very much. The paper in fact was excellent. so you will get all the future work.

Herman, UK

Thank you very much for the work.I am pleased in it.I will contact you if  I need other service.

Peter, UK

I have received the final work and I am great full the delivery has been made on time :) Thank you very much and could you also thank the writer who has produced this work on my behalf. If any instance I need this service again, I will surely contact academic sciences.

Saba, UK

Now this is what I'm talking about! Thank you very much you are a life saver!! Compared to the other company wow. The work is excellent.

Adam, UK

I am very happy with your work, and my confidence in Academic Science has sky-rocketed. I'll soon be in contact again for my last essay.

Ishan, UK

*All testimonials are accurate and are taken directly from emails received from clients and therefore includes their spelling mistakes. These emails are kept for future verification if needed to allow us to genuinely show our Academic Sciences reviews to Trading Standards if this is ever requested.